The Basic Principles Of Divorce

Getting divorced is a big step therefore you need to know what is involved before starting the process. For this you need specialist expert guidance and our Bristol Family Law Solicitors are going to be ready to provide you with the information you’ll want to decide if getting divorced is the appropriate solution. In the meantime here’s a bit more background on what should be expected if you’re looking to get divorced.

Grounds For Getting Divorced
The very first thing you need to do would be to demonstrate that your relationship has broken down to such an extent that there’s no chance of repairing the marriage. Throughout England and Wales it’s possible to ask the court for a divorce once you have been married for a 12 months and when one of the following is applicable:

  • Infidelity
  • Unreasonable behaviour
  • Desertion
  • Separation for 2 years
  • Separation for 5 years

Just as each relationship is completely unique, so is every divorce. In some instances it may be a rather amicable affair, while in other scenarios there might be a great deal of bitterness amongst the two parties. The state of mind of the husband and wife getting divorced is going to have a major impact on the length of time the process is likely to take. The individuals that enter into the process with an attitude of co-operation and amicable negotiation could sensibly expect the Decree Absolute to be granted in a couple of months. Individuals that encounter problems that they are unable to agree on may need to wait several years for their divorce to become final.

The Cost Of Divorce
There will be standard court costs that will need to be paid to process your divorce, and there will also be the costs associated with employing a Divorce Solicitor. These will probably vary from firm to firm, and will also be influenced by the complexity and duration of the divorce process. The most affordable solicitor won’t always be the best one, and you need to make sure you are satisfied with your choice of representation, and additionally that your Divorce Lawyer has made you aware of their fees along with what the potential costs may be.

Alternatives To Divorce
Separation may be a more appropriate alternative to getting divorced and one which leaves you with options for the future. Should you decide this is going to be the best way forward, depending on your situation, it can certainly be a good idea to formalise certain aspects of the separation. When you’ve got young children then custody arrangements can be drafted, and some form of financial agreement may be useful.

If you are dealing with a divorce or another Family Law issue you’ll need to get the best help and advice possible. Our Family Law Solicitors Bristol office will give you the assistance you need and have a variety of services to match most budgets.

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